Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dogs are the best people around

Just wanted to take the time out to say that I love my dogs and they are the best people. My boyfriend who I've been with for 13 years now has always had issues when if comes to showing when he cares for someone/something but these last 2 yrs have show a different more nurturing and serene side to him and it's all because of our babies Cazzie and Marlow. I've never seem him in a more beautiful light then when we are lounging around the house w our babies. They love us no matter how crappy we feel or our day is. They are always so excited to see us. These dogs have helped us become better partners and love eachother on a deeper level that I thought I'd never see. A word that can help express what is that we have now is "peace". I love my pups and I hope they understand how they saved our love.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

When life feels to fucken real

I worry about people being lonely all the time I worry about my mom being lonely I worry about my dogs and anyone person I come across that may seem lonely empty sad hopeless ect. It's so heavy sometimes to feel this way often. I wonder what exactly it must feel like to be in there shoes and how brave they are to continue to breath and love others day after day. I feel as though my life is to easy and nice. I have no real purpose unlike all the others I've mentioned I mean even my dogs are 2 of the most important people In my life and they hold a great purpose here. Making someone feel completely understood with Just one lick to the cheek is a gift. No I'm not trying to be dramatic here this is real for me. I have the gift of sensing or being intuitive to people's lonely hearts. This is very true. I wish it wasn't most the time even though I know it can be a good thing. It makes my heart extremely heavy. Especially when I don't know how to help sometimes. I cry alot during movies even commercials sometimes. I hate being so sensitive but it's a big part of who I am. It's boring to others or kind of a drag to bring such baggage up. So I pray, it's all I can do. Who knew empty was so heavy. So tonight I pray for anyone who is alone or feels alone to be blessed with a warm blanket like feeling of love and comfort.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 is another chance for us

I need to continue the hustle, sometimes I get so scattered I forget what in even trying to get at but I know I'm no matter what my goals are art design And creativity. So I'm ok w not being famous or uber successful. I just want to live comfortably & have financial freedom away from a company that has 0 interest in my direction in life. Build an awesome support system for myself, travel, learn 2 more languages fluently and be healthy.