Monday, March 30, 2015

Hear me out

It's said that taking care of your mother or father (parent) is the right thing to do, but in this day and age it's so difficult to try to maintain your own life and another's unless you put your world on the back burner. Having to tell my mother not once but several times that my sister cannot take care of her and neither can I is so fucken cold it tares me apart inside but it's real. We all have the right to a life and no matter how long we have taken care of my mother it all gets washed away the day we can't do it anymore. This is a disgusting situation and no one wins. If my mom stays my sister continues not living a life as she has for the last 14yrs. If my mom goes she will be terrified and never forgive us and surely not want to exist anymore as I'm sure she already does feeling like a burden. I have zero good solutions for this. I've tried to work with my mom but she is in denial over my sister being burned out from being her caregiver but it's real and enough is enough. I pray for a peaceful solution but I fear the worst I just want both to have their own chance at peace. 

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